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Debt sale
or sale of overdue receivables

If you want to clean up your accounts receivable portfolio without burdening your organization with the intensive process of collecting overdue invoices, Debt Sale may be a serious option for you. Debt Sale involves selling your overdue invoices or debts. This allows you to receive an immediate amount, optimizing your working capital.

The Nextfactor team has over 15 years of experience in buying and selling delinquent receivables, both for consumers (B2C) and for businesses (B2B). We specialize in analyzing, valuing, and managing debtor portfolios.

Nextfactor collaborates with international partners in the Debt Sale market for this purpose.

Are you interested? Feel free to contact us. We would be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.

Call us at +31 6 51224104 or send an email.

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